I’m not comfortable unless I’m uncomfortable

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I had a fantastic weekend pushing myself out of my comfort zone.

I snorkelled where crocodiles have been seen, I got air on a motocross jump and I free climbed a rock face.

Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a little clumsy. It has often been suggested that I should put bubble wrap on my furniture edges so I’ll stop bruising myself. In short, coordination is not my strength.


So why then do I push myself to do things that may result in death if my clumsiness prevails?

When George Mallory was asked why he wanted to climb Everest he said “because it’s there” … and that is a factor. (“Wow, look at that jump, I should bring my bike here!”) But for me, its because I want to know that I can do it.


The fear lets me know I’m on the edge of my skill set (if not totally beyond) but that’s not a good reason to stop. We have so many limitations placed on us we don’t need more from ourselves. How do you learn and grow as a person if you don’t challenge yourself, push yourself further each time?


For me, bravery isn’t about feeling no fear, it’s being scared shitless and doing it anyway. It’s jumping into the black water for a night dive, choosing to go down the double black diamond ski-run over the green, letting go of the plane or pushing yourself deeper when your lungs are screaming for air. When you are in control of whether you live or die, that’s when you discover who you are and what your really capable of.
And besides, it’s bloody good fun!



“What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy. And joy is, after all, the end of life. We do not live to eat and make money. We eat and make money to be able to enjoy life. That is what life means and what life is for.”  – George Mallory