Karaoke Sabbath

Today is the Sabbath. Timor Leste has population that isĀ 98% Catholic, so Sundays are quite an event. Everyone goes to Mass, even my neighbour who was up singing karaoke until 4am.
I often wonder how they convince so many people go, perhaps it’s the social/community aspect or good old Catholic guilt. I’m not sure but I do plan to go along one Sunday. I was baptised Catholic, however that’s where my religious upbringing ended. If the mosque is open to all surely I can attend Mass with an out of date baptism.

For the time being, Sunday means the streets are quiet and bare. Slow scooter trips alongĀ beach road and a long brunch is the perfect way to spend the morning. No school kids playing, little traffic and best of all, no karaoke! Bring on the lazy Sundays!