It takes a strong man…


I am incredibly grateful to be in a loving relationship with a strong man. Not a beefed up narcissist, but a guy who supports and encourages me to live my own life and follow my own dreams.

It is incredibly easy for a partner to dissuade you from doing anything, from eating that second helping to buying a motorbike. You respect and value their opinion. Conversely it is often hard to bite your tongue or consider your partners thoughts/feelings/best interests before giving your own opinion. This is especially true when their aspirations may change your life; be it your location, combined income, social standing, or time together, it can be scary. Often our first reaction to change is ‘no, it can’t be done,’ which is why when you have two strong minded, independent people in a relationship it can be volatile.

My partner respect me, values my opinion and encourages me to follow my dreams and aspirations. I’m sure it isn’t easy for him to do this, but he has done so consistently. When I asked if he thought I should go to Timor he said “Is it what you want to do? Does it feel right?” When I replied it was and it did, “then do it.” When I asked if I was being stupid for continuing to climb Mt Kilimanjaro with altitude sickness he replied “you’ll regret it if you give up now.” He encourages me to follow my dreams, believe in myself and always supports me to do so. That is what makes him a strong man and it makes me lucky to be in his life.


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